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It is believed that 14 Mukhi Rudraksha comes straight from Lord Shiva, Hence very rarely available, It makes SIXTH SENSE alive. As Remedy for SATURN, SADE – SATI and malefic influence of MARS, Protection against Black Magic, Ghosts, Irrational Fears, Evil Spirits,Wearer always takes unfailing decisions, Activation of SIXTH SENSE to give prophecy for future events, It is a safety shield against worries, calamities and miseries, Bestows Name and Fame, Popularity, Glory, Power and Authority and victory in difficult situations, Provides Self – Power, security and safety to the wearer. Provides protection to the wearer in every walk of life including Politics, Attains very high status, Diseases like Paralysis and Stomach Disorders are cured by wearing 14 Mukhi Rudraksha.

Health Benefits :- Cures many diseases, Skeleton System (Cartilage, Bones) Mental/Emotional Stress, Depression, ** Stammering, Loss of Memory, ** Skin, Spleen, Lower part of Legs below Knees, Pituitary Gland.