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Beauty/Asthetics supplier, Hypnotic Influence for attracting others, Bestows power to attract desired woman or man, Neutralizes effects of Evil Eye, Black Magic, TOTAKA – TONA (Super Natural Powers), Helps in Meditation and Spiritual pursuits, Fulfilment of all desires, Gain of Love, Beauty, Riches, Honour, Physical comforts, Materialistic gains, Gain of EIGHT SIDHIES, Fulfilment of Desires, Childless couple can be blessed with children, Poverty is removed, ‘KAMDEVA’ (God Cupid) is pleased with the wearer. Enhances Destiny, Prosperity, Sexual Power, Regulates Reproductive System and Urinary System including functioning of Kidney (Kidney is a part of Urinary System), Prevents Low Back pain, Sciatica etc. Makes the wearer resistible to stress.

Health Benefits :- Eyes, Throat, neck, kidneys, thyroid glands, Stomach related disorders, Bladder diseases, Physical Weakness, Female related Problems, Sexual Problems, Mental illness, Stress and Depression, Muscular Dystrophies, Arthritis, Spine Problems.